

2018-09-23 11:25:57| 来源:无

  Section One   场次 20110213 20120519 20070901 2008 2006   场景 其他   题型 填空 10   内容概述 一位男子刚搬进一个社区,询问关于订报纸和垃圾回收分类等相关情况。关   于社区废物回收:废品回收时间从周三改到周五   1. Waste of newspaper is collected: Every second week   2. 名字:Peter Wisborough (人物拼写)   3. 地址:NO.16 Bridge Road   4. 最近的受理点:Central Park   5. free of charge :A yellow box   6. POST CODE :RH12PE   7. 邮箱:helpline@blackcat.com   8. 可以回收:Metals   9. 不回收:Magazines   10. Savvy booklet(常识,介绍手册的名字)

  Section Two   场次 20120809 20110108   场景 场馆介绍   题型 填空 6 单选 4   内容概述 女导游介绍电视塔   单选 4:   1. 集合地点:A parking place,B wait at ticket desk,C. back of the entrance   2. 天晴的时候能从塔上看到什么,选 B. HILL   3. people feel proud about the symbol B. landmark   4. 这个塔 begin to be used as 什么选 B. conference centre,接着是一张塔的图   片,有 8 个左右的功能,包括 cinema,indoor,outdoor,shop,post,cafe   等   填空 6:   5. glass floor 玻璃地面,可以俯瞰下方   6. 有一个餐厅 restaurant,你可以吃饭休息,外面有个 art gallery 艺术画廊   7. 有 weather observing   8. post office 可以买卡片寄给家人   9. indoor 观景台   10. 是 cinema,在这里可以看到激动人心的 film

  Section Three   场次 20110106 20100805 20091121 2008 2007 2006   题型 填空 10   内容概述 女 生要求换专业,以及学习中遇到的问题及相应对策   填空 10   Table1   name of the original course: 1. Economic History.   starting time: 2. last September.   the courses she wants to change:   the first choice: 3. Politics, but this course is very hot.   the second choice: 4. Philosophy   Table 2   studying problems and the possible solutions in the original course:   There are three main problems:   5. lectures too difficult.   The first solution: record the class, and it indeed works.   The second solution: suggest to take part in a 6. discussion group   7. not enough tutorials.   Poor performance in homework

  Section Four   场次 20150613 20110606 201106 2008   学科 动物   题型 填空 6 单选 4   内容概述 蜜蜂用什么来 navigation 以及这个功能在人类身上的应用帮助盲人等,蜜蜂   视觉和   人类视觉   单选 4   1. The amazing part is   C small brain (bees can fly smoothly even though they have very small brain)   2. How do people distinguish one bee form another?   B color stripes ( by looking for signs in different colors on bees’ body)   3. Wings clings   B a sign applied to their bodies ( the science stick a sign under wings)   4. Choose we can calculate the distance ( we can know how far the bee can fly   by knowing the time it flies)


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