Ø 真题预测:
学生和物理教授讨论作业问题。学生去交作业,因为下午他要去看牙,所以直接把作业交到了办公室。教授突然问学生,为什么他的作业里面是workbook的photocopy,虽然没什么问题,但是学生可以直接交original。学生说是因为自己没有买到书,所以只能复印和借书。老师问他bookstore里面买不到吗,学生说现在在 waiting list上,应该很快就能有书了,不用太担心。教授则表现的比较担忧,说会打电话到bookstore make sure they follow up。2016-11-13CN
老师说之前参与了一个research,收益颇多,准备和学生们分享。后来还说自己电脑crush了,需要到Monday给学生做examination,学生就是为这个来的,她说自己想写关于Greek woman hair style的文章,说当时看到的不知道算architecture还是sculpture老师说就是sculpture,学生relief。后来,老师说这个不是很scholar(这里出了细节题,考的是同义互换,答案是:academic),后来又说给了建议让学生看当时的coin等sculpture也有相关提示。
学生去找professor谈论关于minor are的问题,教授建议他可以选择法语作为他的minor area,但是学生说他的导师建议他选择英语,接着教授说道有—个关于法语和文化的证书认证,学生的情况比较适合,可以申请,学生表示这个可以,但是又问了一个问题说需不需要用法语来写,教授说不用,用英文写就可以,只有写清楚资料的来源就可以了 。2017-5-20CN
Ø 真题测练:
题目来自20150131 C1
1. What is the student's attitude about speaking in front of other students?
A. He thinks it will be fun.
B. He views it as a useful opportunity.
C. He feels nervous about it.
D. He prefers it to writing papers.
2. The student talks about a species of fungus. What fact about the fungus interests him ?
A. It acts as a food source for other fungi.
B. It grows well on wind farms.
C. It can be used as an alternative source of energy.
D. It produces chemicals that destroy toxins.
3. Why does the professor mention trees and apples?
A. To give advice on how to explain fungi and mushrooms
B. To show how the environment can affect growth rates
C. To provide an example of the effects of pesticides
D. To give an example of how a wind farm replaced a fruit farm
4. Why does the professor suggest that the student visit the greenhouse?
A. The student might be able to conduct a research study there.
B. A mushroom species that interests the student is being grown there.
C. Mushrooms grow more quickly there than in other locations.
D. Environmentally safe growing techniques are demonstrated there.
5. Why does the student go to see the professor?
A. To get advice about how much information to include in a paper he is writing
B. To ask for permission to change the topic of an assignment
C. To get help choosing a topic for an assignment
D. To discuss the results of research he has done for a paper he is writing